yep i think i've found someone whos damn similar to me
okay maybe e big difference
is that one is a jerk, one is um.. a sucker.
well anyway i kinda like e oreo bubble tea thing
jus like our sch cafe choco ice blended
at a price of $1.50, cheaper than sch's by 50 cents
and somemore theres pearls so yup
RELATIVELY cheaper. ahhh. (econs.)
yup yup. today was considered productive i guess
except for some lame laughing arnd
and slippers throwing
and sleeping 45 mins
and stoning (my favourite actually)
and drawing ':)' and ':|' on paper
and writing nonsense on paper
and worse of all, thinking of e stupid conc of NaOH.
LOL yea studying could be fun
if u really know wen to play wen to study
sometimes i really wan to understand myself.
sometimes things seems to get better.
or rather i tot things got better.
but at e end of e day,
i felt e same way i used to feel
e way i think didnt change.
it was all so.. fake.
e whole process of 'changing for e better',
e whole thing bout improving myself
was jus unreal.
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